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HAO 2024 Annual Report
The mission of the Hispanic American Organization is to improve the quality of life of Hispanic families by helping them become more economically self-sufficient in a holistic approach. HAO has been serving the community for 49 years.
HAO’s current Roster of Active Programs includes:
Family Counseling
Intake Information & Referral Services
Drug & Alcohol Outpatient Treatment
In 2024, HAO served adults and children with housing Case Management Services. Additional funds were available to assist families impacted by special circumstances. HAO also completed a contract with the City of Allentown to provide rental assistance to residents at or near eviction in March of 2023.
Family Counseling
We are a bilingual and bicultural organization. Our counseling services are staffed by qualified psychiatrists, nurse practitioners and counselors. Our program served 2,398 clients in 2024.
Intake Information and Referral Services
HAO offers free services to the general public for information and referrals. This past year, we served over 7,000 people via telephone, and walk-ins.
Drug & Alcohol Outpatient Treatment
We believe that through commitment, dedication, stability, and structure, we can improve the life of individuals.
HAO has a bilingual staff and provides assessments to individuals as well as group therapy treatment. As of present, we have serve 46 clients. HAO saw 373 individuals in 2024.
Revenue (Reported in thousands)​
2022-2023 2023-2024
Assets $4,338 $4,174
Liabilities $1,635 $1,428
Equity $2,703 $2,746
Revenue $4,342 $3,993
Expenses $4,190 $3,947
Net Change $152 $ 46
Restrict ($ 100) ($ 3)
Net Change $ 52 $ 43
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